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How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

Posted on 3/20/2023 by Mark Bieber
How to Get Rid of Bad BreathBad breath can be embarrassing, and in most cases, discourage one from talking in public. There can be varying causes of bad breath, including dietary habits, health conditions, or poor hygiene habits. It is important to consult your dentist on an appropriate remedy after the problem has been identified.

Brush and Floss your Teeth

Dental health specialists recommend brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing once daily. This helps remove plaque and bacteria from the surface of your teeth. Plaque is a sticky substance that adheres to your teeth. It collects bacteria, which if not removed, causes bad breath. You must ensure to reach even the spaces between your teeth that can be hard to reach. Brushing your tongue and the roof of your mouth also clears bacteria from those regions.

Changing Dietary Habits

Some foods are known to cause an odor in your mouth, for example, onions and garlic. This smell can be hard to get rid of, and sometimes even brushing is not enough. The odor can be unpleasant to some people. You can avoid eating them raw, especially when you have company around.

Regular Dental Check-ups

Going to the dentist can expose dental problems you are not aware of, especially considering that some people cannot smell their own bad breath. These visits can expose the problem, and the dentist can start treatment, coupled with the guaranteed dental cleanup. Your dentist might recommend an antibacterial mouthwash that can get rid of bacteria in the mouth.


Sometimes the mouth can be dry due to a lack of enough saliva. Such an environment is conducive enough to stimulate bacteria overgrowth. Drinking water regularly can stimulate saliva production. You can also try sucking on sugarless sweets as they stimulate the production of saliva, moistening the mouth.

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