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The Awesome Healing Power of Your Mouth

Posted on 6/20/2016 by Mark Bieber
A close up of a man’s mouth.Your mouth is extremely sensitive. From biting your lip to burning your tongue, it is easy to injure the soft tissues. Even eating a sharp cracker can do some damage, causing irritation, bleeding, and possibly swelling.

However, have you ever noticed that these injuries seem to heal pretty quickly- much faster than the rest of your body? Why is that?

If you've ever wondered why a cut in your mouth heals faster than a scrape on your elbow, there are a few factors at play. The first is the blood supply to your mouth.

The neck and head receive considerable blood supply, and while this might make it appear to bleed easily after the initial injury, it also increases the speed of healing due to the fast blood clotting.

Another reason for the difference in healing time has to do with the type of tissue. Your mouth consists of mucous tissue, making it easier to create and remodel than the skin on the exterior of your body.

Therefore, while a cut in your mouth might repair itself in a matter of hours, a cut on your exterior skin can remain for a lot longer before it disappears.

There are a lot of things that you can do to avoid cutting your mouth, such as wearing a mouth guard while you are playing sports, chewing your food carefully, and avoiding putting sharp objects or food in your mouth.

However, if you do suffer from a minor cut to your mouth, you shouldn't worry too much - it should heal quickly on its own. If not, rinsing your mouth with salt water or using a black tea bag can help.

As always, if you are experiencing any mouth injury or sore that has you concerned or isn't healing properly, contact our office.

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