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How to Talk with Your Dentist if You Want to Improve Your Oral Hygiene Routine

Posted on 3/20/2018 by Mark Bieber
Oral Hygiene Routine Toomin & Bieber Aesthetic Comprehensive Dentistry CA 91505-4325Observing a proper oral hygiene practice is essential to keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy and for preventing oral issues.

While you can acquire information on various oral care habits that you can include in your regimen from books and articles on the internet, it is still best to get the opinion of your dentist.

When you visit our clinic, share with us any dental issues that you may have, no matter how trivial it seems so we can consider them in our evaluation. Do not be intimidated, remember, we are your ally in ensuring your oral health.

Tips to Make Your Dental Appointment More Fruitful

It is important that you take your dental appointment with the same care and attention that you will exert when meeting someone for a business appointment. Properly preparing for your business meeting will ensure that your time will be well spent and fruitful. The same rule applies whenever you pay us a visit.

For one, you can start taking notes about any changes in your dental and general health, what medications you are currently taking, and other pertinent details. For instance, if you have a toothache, make sure to note when you started feeling the pain, the level of intensity, and when it hurt the most.

All these information that you can provide will help us to better assess your condition and what dental procedures would be most appropriate.

You can also write down in advance all your questions about your dental issues and concerns, so you can freely discuss them during your visit without forgetting anything.

If you are experiencing dental anxiety for whatever reason, it is best that you are honest with us, so we can help you overcome your worries. Keep in mind that we are here to assist you in keeping your healthy smile for a long time.

Areas We Love to Serve!

Respected As A Patient

I continue to be impressed with every aspect of dental care and service at your office. Everyone is wonderful and makes me feel important, valued, and respected as a patient; everything is explained in detail.
-Shelley D.
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Toomin & Bieber, 3808 W Riverside Dr #408, Burbank, CA 91505-4325 / (818) 748-9998 / / 2/7/2025 / Key Phrases: burbank dentist, dental office, dentist burbank ca, dental office in burbank ca