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Do Crooked Teeth Really Lead to Oral Health Problems?

Posted on 1/10/2020 by Mark Bieber
Do Crooked Teeth Really Lead to Oral Health Problems?You may see crooked teeth as only a cosmetic issue, however, crooked teeth actually cause oral health complications. It's true that having straight teeth is more attractive than having crooked teeth, but it also allows you to take better care of your teeth. Crooked teeth are harder to brush and floss properly, making them more prone to tooth decay.

Alongside more tooth decay, a person with crooked teeth is more likely to get gum disease. This is because gum disease is caused by a buildup of bacteria in your mouth. If you allow bacteria to grow in your mouth, your gums will become infected. This is because bacteria attacks our gums, and the only way to stop that from happening is by maintaining proper dental hygiene.

Ways to Fix Crooked Teeth

While crooked teeth do pose a problem for many people, there are many different ways to solve them. The most common is braces. Contrary to belief, both teens and adults get braces to correct their crooked teeth. However, many people don't like the idea of wearing braces for long periods of time. For these people, there are other options available.

People who have slightly crooked teeth may benefit from a product called Invisalign. Invisalign are braces that are clear. Many people who use Invisalign enjoy them because they can remove them throughout the day. However, Invisalign are best suited for people with minor dental complications. For more serious complications, braces are probably the best route to take.

After you have corrected your crooked teeth, it's important to keep them in the same place. After teeth are corrected, they often like to shift around in the mouth. That's why we usually recommend getting a retainer to wear at night. A retainer will make sure that your teeth stay in place so you can perform your dental hygiene routine without the risk of your teeth becoming crooked again. If you're interested in braces or Invisalign, please call our office, and we can help you.

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