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Hormones and dental health a woman needs to know.

Posted on 2/21/2022 by Mark Bieber
Hormones and dental health a woman needs to know.Women tend to be more sensitive to plaque and tartar because of the high levels of estrogen and progesterone. If bacteria and plaque are left untreated for a long time, the gums may swell, become infected, and inflamed. The inflammation can lead to bone loss, and if left for a long time, teeth loss can be experienced.

Times when a female should take care.

A woman should take care of her gum diseases during these periods. During puberty, hormones can make teenage girls' gum red, bleeding, or swollen. At this stage, cankers sores may appear, but they usually heal on their own at this time of puberty; the girl is advised to brush her teeth twice a day and floss. This helps remove plaque and bacteria, thus reducing inflammation, bleeding, and discomfort. When experiencing monthly periods. Before the period begins, a woman may have swollen gums, bleeding gums, the salivary glands might swell, and canker sores also develop. If a woman still sees this symptom after the period, she should seek medical advice because it is signaling other things. After the period's end, one should see her dentist.

While using birth control pills in the past, birth control pills affected the gums, but due to technology, the level of estrogen and progesterone are low to cause gum pains. Women who use oral contraceptives have a high level of experiencing dry sockets compared to those who do not use contraceptives.

Another period where the woman needs to take care of is during pregnancy. The body has a higher hormonal drive during pregnancy. Some women tend to have gingivitis. This is where the gums redden and become sore. That's why women are advised to visit their dentist when pregnant. During menopause, a woman experiences many changes in the taste of things. Women during their menopause tend to suffer from dry sockets, which can cause tooth decay and tooth cavities.

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